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James Mark Driscoll
word Nuggets From the LOrd
820 - God is The Righteous Judge
The Lord spoke into my spirit, I have to judge righteously against sin and many people understand that, but He also reminded me and said I am also bound by My Word to judge righteously concerning the blood of My son, the new covent of Grace, and restoring the Blessing. ( Psalm 7:11) So if I say in Christ, you are reborn from your old sin nature and you are now sons of God and you are to be led by My Holy Spirit, and you are seated with Me in heavenly places, and you can do all things in Christ, and you are a royal race, and I have forgiven your sins and by My Son’s stripes you are healed, grab a hold of it by faith, repent and go forward putting on your new nature! (1 Corinthians 2:10-16) (Ephesians 2:6) (Ephesians 4:24) (Philippians 4:13) (1 Peter 2:9) (1 Peter 2:24)
Start exercising your sonship over satan and his demons, now! I am with you now and I poured out all My anger and wrath and judgment upon Jesus. I am not mad at you and if you have truly asked Jesus into your heart and believe I raised Him from the dead and accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, you are now a new creature in Christ. Because of My Son’s Blood, which He presented at the Mercy seat, when you receive Him, you are now offered all the benefits of salvation. Now I encourage you as my Word says, to renew your minds and mature. Put off that sinful, fleshy, carnal natural way of thinking, and grow up and walk like Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. You need to learn to walk in love and forgiveness, not judging others which then shuts the doors to satan and his efforts to get you to dwell on your old sin conscience nature. He doesn't want you to know your new right standing with God through Jesus. (Romans 10:9-10) (Romans 3:24-25) (Psalms 103:1-5) (Ephesians 4:23)
By James Mark Driscoll
1034-Jesus “I Am”
According to the Bible, Jesus is the great “I Am”. Jesus the great “I Am” has saved me, healed me, delivered me, forgiven me, washed and cleansed me, and redeemed me! Thank you Jesus. When we say I am this, or I am that, we could and in many cases should bear reference to what Jesus has done, who he is and focus on his finished work and victory. Satan has gotten us to talk about and focus on ourselves our senses and our emotions. Our I,I, and me, me, I am sick, I am depressed, I am poor, is not what we are supposed to be confessing over ourselves. He has tricked believers to look at his deceptions and lies going on around us, instead of focusing and speaking of Jesus’ finished victory and work in us. Without Jesus first place in our lives we are the weak link, but in Christ we have victory in every arena of life and can do all things in Christ. “I AM”-strong in the Lord, “I AM” the healed, “I AM” the blessed!!!! The Great “I AM” has strengthened me, The Great “I AM” has healed me, The Great “I AM” has blessed me!! Amen
by James Mark Driscoll
1028-Life of Praise
If you are a born again Christian, you and I are to live a life of constant praise and thanksgiving. (I Thessalonians 5:17-18). If you truly know and walk and fellowship with Jesus it helps you to be prepared for the next challenge, attack, and battle, from the enemy. A life filled with praise and thanksgiving to God, gives you strength, joy, peace, hope, and keeps your heart focused on your answer not your problem. If you are not living in his love, hope, and an expectation of victory, the devil is winning. Living a life of murmuring and complaining and being negative will stop the blessings of God flowing in your life and open the door to the enemy, who only comes to steal, kill and destroy. Selah!
By James Mark Driscoll
1029-Knowledge-Teachable and Correctable
Truthful revelation, if you are truly born again we all make up the body of Christ. We all have different callings and strengths to fulfill what we have been called to do. The Bible says we all know only in part, that's why we need to be constantly growing and maturing in the Word. To only listen to one person will often leave you lacking in certain areas. You and I are always to test and prove everything we hear by the Holy Spirit inside of us. (1Thessalonians 5:21) We should stand together and respect a person or place, if God has directed you to a specific spiritual leader or church. Unfortunately many people choose places or people that God did not tell them to learn from and people He did not anoint or call to teach and preach. They have often picked people or places that do not challenge them to grow spiritually or out of simple convenience. A truthful spiritual father will admit they don't know everything and make mistakes and are weak in certain areas. They may even guide you to other sources to help you grow even more. Ask the Holy Spirit where else you should receive spiritual food and the Word of God. Most of the people, Christians, that I meet around here, are very ignorant when it comes to casting out demons, healing the sick, raising the dead, speaking in other tongues, and operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says we are to covet and desire all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (1Corinthians 14:1) Many say they have never been taught about signs, wonders, miracles, and the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. Many have never been taught to pray with power and authority as Jesus taught, speaking to the problem not about it. Many have only been taught to beg and plead and try to get God to move. That is sad, and why they have never seen any signs and wonders, because they have no faith to receive them. Faith comes by hearing the anointed Word of Christ. (Romans 10:17) No anointed Word being taught and preached is a big reason the body of Christ is so weak! We all need to continually grow and mature in many areas of the Gospel. We should be continually renewing our minds our entire lifetime.(Ephesians 4:23, Romans 12:2) No one should be staying the same if you're constantly being given revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit. We are supposed to be ever increasing, from glory to glory. (2Corinthians 3:18) God corrects those he loves. (Hebrews12:5-11) Are you teachable and correctable and desiring to grow and be a more powerful witness for Jesus?
By James Mark Driscoll
1027-Preconceived Ideas
Satan will often bring images and ideas to you so that he can direct you and influence you along his false path. The religious leaders in Jesus’ time had a preconceived idea of what the “Christ” might be like, or look like, or where he was to be from. That got them in fear, and doubt, and unbelief, they did not want to accept Him, they could not recognize Him as God, they even wanted to kill him. Peter said he would follow Jesus unto death, but when Jesus submitted without a fight Peter bailed. He probably thought he would go down swinging. Many have preconceived ideas about healing. Nahum thought the prophet should come out and touch him or pray for him, but he sent his assistant and he said go dip in the river seven times. He got offended(pride). Jesus used mud and spit and said go wash to a blind man! If you follow a routine or religious formula, there is no faith involved, it’s just dead religion. Jesus said you are making the Word of God of no effect because of your traditions.(Mark7:13) Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God. We are to lean and rely on God and his Holy Spirit within us, and walk and talk like Jesus.(1John2:6) We are not to just rely on our own understanding or someone else.(Prov.3:5) We can get help from other people that God has truly sent and is moving through, but our faith still needs to be in God, His word, which is Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches us to seek first the Kingdom of God.(Matthew6:33) The New Covenant is all about a close intimate relationship with Christ and being lead by the Holy Spirit, not your feelings, emotions, and preconceived ideas!
1016 Praying in Tongues
Praying in tongues helps you fulfill and complete your books in heaven. Everyone has a plan for their lives ordained by God, before the foundation of the world. Praying in tongues is a perfect way to intercede and help others and correct various situations and environments. It does not mean the devil won't try to resist you and stop you from completing your course, but when you step back and look at the big picture, praying in tongues gives you warnings and insight and power to be victorious against all the obstacles and attacks the enemy brings upon you! Praying in tongues changes things in the spiritual realm, that will give you victory and will manifest in the physical and natural realm. The more you pray in tongues and believe to receive all of the spiritual gifts and walk in them, the more God will be able to use you to get things done for the kingdom. You will be more powerful and effective against the enemy. Every Christian should be praying in tongues, now more than ever. If you're not filled with the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues you are weaker than you should be against the enemy. It's no wonder satan has tried to keep the church ignorant in walking in these gifts. In many cases people have been lied to from the pulpit and have set aside or removed the Holy Spirit from their teachings. Being led by the Spirit and praying in tongues is how the church started in the book of Acts and wasn't supposed to stop. The entire new covenant is based on being led by the Holy Spirit, not the law and our works. Good works will accompany faith that is based on the anointed Word and the Holy Spirit will always bear witness to Jesus who is The Word. Not praying in tongues won't keep you from heaven but it will probably get you there quicker. More importantly you won't be able to consistently and powerfully defeat the enemy and complete your race. You won't be able to cast out demons, heal the sick, and raise the dead, as Jesus told believers to do. Again, you won't be able to fulfill your God given destiny and be a blessing to others without knowing and following God buy The Awesome Holy Spirit in you.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Wow, what a revealing year 2020 has been. Who would have believed how so many were herded into fear and panic and submitted to satan’s socialistic fear mongering tactics by the Covid virus, and the far left? I have to admit I was very ignorant about how much fraud, corruption, dishonesty, and perversion, existed in our government agencies, federal, state, and local. I never suspected the ban on free speech that we are seeing and the socialistic and communist platforms that so many are embracing including many so called Christians, would be so evident. The one world order has gained a foothold into America and it needs to be expelled as well as all the evil tentacles of Communist China, and the spirit of murdering children and perversion.
I would encourage you to not be discouraged, this did not take God by surprise. Unfortunately the church has not been listening to God’s warnings and the clergy and church have been very passive in the fight against it.
So as a Holy Spirit filled, tongue talking Christian, I say it’s time to first repent for our passive performance in standing against evil. It’s time to push back and speak out against evil, and fraud, and corruption, and perversion from every platform. I urge you to pray for our nations leaders, legislatures, judges, and if they will not be vessels of honor for God and be committed to upholding our Constitution that they be removed. It is imperative that you not yield to fear and persecution, and by all means continually speak powerful words of praise and thanksgiving honoring God at all times, not words of doubt and unbelief! Word’s of doubt, unbelief, and complaining, destroyed a generation of people trying to get out of the wilderness.
God told me to warn my partners and other believers not to be cowards and do nothing, but seek God, be led by the Holy Spirit and wage a righteous fight, in faith, knowing that faith without appropriate works is dead faith. James 2:17 If you are interested we talk about this in greater detail in message 17-Real Bible Prosperity, on our website, www.gbflc.org
There are many scriptures about not fearing, over 350. Here are just five that came up in my spirit, and we talk about them in greater detail in message 17- Real Bible Prosperity.
By James Mark Driscoll
1024 Miracles are from The Spirit
Miracles don’t start in the natural, where they are seen, they start in the spiritual realm where they are not seen! The hinderance to receiving miracles and supernatural results in your life is not what can God do, it’s what can you believe and receive based on God’s Word? If you are born again you have the same Holy Spirit and power that raised Jesus from the dead and formed the planets, stars, and universe! You have also been given the measure of faith-God kind-Jesus kind of faith. Faith must be developed and comes by hearing from God and His anointed Word. When you combine that power in you with an appropriate faith filled response, such as declaration of a scripture that God has told you to stand on or an action in your body He’s told you to do or believe for, the miracle starts immediately in the unseen, spiritual realm wether you see it right away or not. Many people cancel out their miracle or breakthrough by speaking unbelieving words against the very thing they said they were believing for to manifest. You will know you are in real Bible mountain moving faith, because you have heard from God and you will have a confident and excited Bible-hope and patience. The enemy will not be able to steal your joy no matter what you are going through, you will not be moved from the reality of your victory. When you are in that God kind of faith, from your mouth will come joyful praise and thanksgiving regardless wether it manifests in the natural immediately or takes some time. Many times to help “the seed” to bear fruit quicker, you need to repent and fix your love walk and cast out all fear, doubt and unbelief!
2Cor. 5:7-…we walk by faith not by sight..
Heb. 11:3-…worlds were framed by the Word of God…
Rom. 5:17-..speaks of non-existent thins as though they already existed..
Rom. 10:17-..faith comes by hearing…
By James Mark Driscoll
Bitter Fulfillment #1008
The Lord said, to those rising up for the devil, all over this country and around the world, judgement is coming. To those who are promoting lawlessness, anarchy, murder and destruction under the guise of social justice, and to the godless socialistic media which have sold out to the world order of socialism and hidden the truth, your time is coming. To those who support the millions of children being murdered through abortion, their blood cries out to Me and I hear it. To those who promote the abomination of homosexuality and all sorts of perversions such as pedophilia and child sex trafficking and child pornography, I hate the sin. The Bible say’s Jesus will gather up those that are His, to the marriage supper of the Lamb, are you truly His? All the evil that has been permeating and building up in the earth will be held back no longer as the interceding prayers of the church/body of Christ is removed. However, before that happens we need to be about the Father’s business. Do not despair, for those who truly believe, this is an exciting time and a time of a tremendous harvest of souls. God’s power will be poured out upon those who truly pursue their God ordained calling and not afraid of persecution! If you have not stood up for The Truth, you may want to repent, especially pastors and preachers that have been silent. If the clergy won’t feed and keep their flock informed about the evil going on in society and politics that are in contrast to a Biblical World View, who will? You should not count on the secular mainstream media. The Bible says we have believed therefore we speak!! The Lord said to me one of the things I will say to those that blasphemed and rejected Me, will be very similar to what I said to the evil, complaining, disobedient, and rebellious generation in the wilderness. Numbers 14:28- As I live says the Lord, what you have said in My hearing/ears I will do to you. Paraphrasing, I will give you what you asked for! If you are reading this and you are a brother or sister in Christ, it is time for the silent majority to be silent no more. There has been great corruption and fraud in our nation and it showed in the election. It is time to repent, rise up and call what is evil, evil. It is time to put the Bible, Jesus, The Word of God, absolutely first place in your life. You can only do that by being filled with and overflowing with the Holy Spirit, without Him leading you, you will fall short. Selah!
By James Mark Driscoll
Christians and a Biblical View compared to the Democrats World View—
I find it amazing, sad, ludicrous, and totally evil when I hear of Christians saying they are Christians, and are going to vote for the Democratic Party instead of voting for Biblical values. The unsaved and lost, you expect to side with evil, but not those who say they love Jesus who died and shed His blood for them/us. I suppose if they are ignorant and don’t know what’s in their Bible that could be a reason. Another reason is perhaps they are not Spirit filled and they have not made The Bible, the foremost authority in their life. It’s the only place anyone can find the TRUTH. Perhaps they are afraid of not fitting in with the world and being persecuted and have adopted a World view instead of a Biblical world view. I’m guessing there are other reasons as well.
The Democratic platform clearly says they want to use taxpayers money to support abortion and the planned parenthood murdering machine. Planned parenthood was started by a white racist women who freely admitted she wanted to kill African American babies. The platform also calls for public funding for the LBG….homosexual doctrine. Both of these are evil and an abomination to the Lord according to scripture. In fact if you look throughout the Bible the greatest judgments against the people were when they were murdering and sacrificing their children and when they turned to homosexual activities. God loves the people but He hates the sin and we should too!
So if you are one of those who don’t know what the Bible says, which is how God views these things, let’s see what some scriptures say relating to the murdering of children.
Proverbs 6:16-17….Lord hates, proud look, lying tongue, and hands that shed Innocent Blood.
Deuteronomy 19:10,13 Lest Innocent Blood be shed in your land….clear Israel of the guilt of Innocent Blood.
Deuteronomy 21:8-9-Forgive Lord your people…do not allow the shedding of Innocent Blood charged to Your people….and the guilt of the Blood be forgiven them. Purge the guilt of Innocent Blood from among you…..
Deuteronomy 5:17- you shall not commit murder
Psalm 94:20-21-Shall the throne of iniquity(sin) have fellowship with You-they who frame and hide their unrighteous doings…they band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death,
Psalms106:34-43-….they sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons..shed Innocent Blood even the blood of their sons and daughters….the land was polluted with their blood. The wrath the Lord was kindled against His people…..
Isiah 59:1-13-…..Their feet run to evil, and they shed Innocent Blood, their thoughts are of iniquity (sin), desolation and destruction are in their paths……
Jeremiah 22:3,7-…do no wrong……nor shed Innocent Blood in this place. Your eyes and your heart are only for your covetous and dishonest gain for shedding Innocent Blood for oppression and violence.
Joel 3:19-Egypt shall be a desolation wilderness for their violence against the children of Judah because the have shed Innocent Blood in their land.
The Bible also has a lot to say about babies in the womb and homosexuality, I will give you some scriptures on that next time. Remember the Bible says in Isiah 5:20-woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. It also says James 4:4- Do you not know that being the world’s friend is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God!!!
Clearly abortion and murdering children is evil and of the world, it’s not of God and the Bible. If you have read this you should no longer be ignorant of where God stands.
Psalm 97:10- Oh you who love the Lord, hate evil….
By James Mark Driscoll
Word Specific pt.3
This is a continuation of a discussion with the Lord on words. He said why am I the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega? He replied after the Holy Spirit tuned me in, because I was the first Word ever spoken from Father’s mouth and I will always be the last. John1:1-3, and John 1:14. He asked, why was I anointed without measure? John 3:34. He answered because I came not to do My will and plan but came to fulfill Father’s plan of redemption for mankind. I only did what I saw My Father do and only said what I heard the Father say. John 5:19, 30, John 8:28, John 10:18, John 14:10, 31, John 12:49-50,…… He said when Father created the heavens and the earth, He released His faith through Me-The Word. John1:1-3,14. His words created everything, that’s how important words are, life and death. Proverbs 18:21. If you want to increase your results and anointing, it will be based on what you're saying and doing according to the Kingdom. Your words need to line up with My words and what the Holy Spirit leads you to say and do, not just what you want to say and do! If you don’t grow and mature in your speaking neither will your results which includes your prayers. To him that has, more will be given, you must be faithful in a little, then you will be put over much. Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:12-27. Words are containers, they either carry Kingdom faith or worldly fear, doubt, and unbelief. Being led by the Holy Spirit, walking in love and forgiveness, being correctable and obedient with a heart to honor and serve Him first, all play parts in maturing and being able to be used more in Kingdom business. We must renew our minds CONTINUALLY to the power of our words.
By James Mark Driscoll
Part 2- Word specific
While recently under an attack from the enemy, the Lord said, it’s your ministry and your family the evil one is going after. He said bring My Word before Me, be specific on what you are believing to receive, not a general, vague, weak, begging, and a pleading request. Remember I told you in Psalm 103:20-21, Angels hearken to the voice of My Word. He also reminded me of Isaiah 55:11, So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void……..He also reminded me of James 4:7 Be subject to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you! The understood subject is me and you. In Mark 11:22-24 Jesus teaches how to receive things and pray properly. Have faith in God..Truly I tell whoever says to this mountain be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will take place it shall be done….Whatever you ask for in prayer believe that it is granted you. It’s our job to stand against the enemy and our weapons are not flesh but it’s God’s Word which is the 2-edged sword that cuts through any darkness. Many Christians are not getting results to their prayers. Many never went to God first to get a word from Him and they should not have prayed, until they heard from Him and added faith to it. They did not believe what they were praying for and were not following Jesus’ instructions!! In 1Tim 6:12, fight the good fight lay hold of eternal life…. It’s our job as believers to lay hold of and enforce the finished and victorious works of Jesus. God has already done all He needs to do, He’s given us the power of the Holy Spirit, the Name above all names, Jesus, and a manual on how to operate in this earth. Note-Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and rejecting knowledge.
More next time.
May the Love of Christ fill you!
James Mark Driscoll
He expects us to renew our minds and have them transformed from the world’s way of thinking and operating, it’s a lifelong process!! Ephesians 4:23, Romans 12:2.
If one is more enlightened God expects us to speak properly. James 3:2 we all often stumble and fall in many things-if anyone does not offend in speech, he has a fully developed character and is a fully developed man, able to control his whole body and nature. God wants all of his children to grow up, so they can follow the path He has called them to complete. He can’t use you/me much, if you stay a baby and can’t control your tongue, and use your words to go against satan and change situations and circumstances, and not let the situations the enemy brings change you.
The Bible says in James 4:7 be subject to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. You are supposed to speak against the enemy!! That’s why satan has worked so hard to get Christians to speak weak, idle, judgmental, complaining words, and not learn how to release their faith with power and authority and lay hold of the finished works of Jesus. That’s why religion, poor teaching, and traditions of men have made the Word of no effect. Matt. 15:6, Mark 7:13
More on this next time.
by James Mark Driscoll
You and I are not to totally ignore the natural world and you need to know what’s going on around you, however, it should not be your main focus, it should be on Jesus and the spiritual realm. We are not to focus on the fallen world, we are to look and focus beyond the natural problems which are temporary. Real faith doesn’t deny the problems in the natural, real faith looks beyond them based on the Truth and Word of God which are eternal. Hebrews 12:2-…looking away from all distractions, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith… Focusing and meditating on God’s Word does not bring fear, focusing on the curse filled world system will.
A few scriptures to think on, Hebrews 10:38- the just shall live by faith, but if anyone draws back in fear, My soul has no pleasure in him. Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Gal 3:11,…the just and righteous shall live/walk by faith.
We are to walk by faith and not by sight. Hebrews 11:1- faith is the assurance of things we hope for being the proof of things we cannot see, not revealed to the senses.
2 Corinthians 5:7-… for we walk by faith and not by sight…
Here is something I hope to encourage you with, do not compare the works and the attacks of the enemy and this cursed world, sickness, disease, poverty, grief, sorrow, etc..to you, you are to compare them to God!!! Selah
Fear vs Wisdom
The Lord spoke into my spirit recently, tell My people “When you’re in fear you won’t hear clear”. Fear is a spirit, if you align with it, and give it place in your life, you are turning away from God and light and turning to darkness. God has not given you a spirit of fear but He gave you a sound mind and peace. 2 Tim. 1:7. Fear is a choice, you will be tempted, but you don’t have to yield to it, speak it, or act out on it! Fear is of the enemy!
Any assignment that God has called you to do will sooner or later be met with opposition from the enemy. His main weapon will be fear. Most all of his weapons branch off from some type of fear, lies, emotions, strife, hatred, taking offense, anxiety, grief, sorrow, etc…..
Proverbs 1:33 AMP-But whoso hearkens to me (Godly Wisdom) shall dwell securely and in confident trust and shall be quiet without fear or dread of evil.
By James Mark Driscoll
I have a praise report, God is so good!!
I work at a public school in southwest Iowa that has a lot of brown recluse spiders. I was bit Friday at the end of the school day moving things in my classroom. I did not realize it until I got home and noticed that my arm itched and when I looked the bite area was the size of a nickel swollen and red. ( This is not the first time I have been bit at school) I praise God that I have a husband who believes that God has provided healing for us 2000 years ago by the stripes on Jesus back. He prayed and got a word from God, (when you hear from God it gives you faith to receive your healing) Mark spoke the word over me that he received from God, then he commanded the venom to stop spreading and to leave my body. Then he commanded healing in the bite area for the tissue to be restored. We then believed to receive the healing and praised God and prayed in tongues for 15 minutes. What Jesus offered us 2000 years ago manifest from the spirit to the natural, my arm was totally healed in one hour!!
Going to God first and hearing from God is the only way to have true faith.
All glory to God!
Thank you Jesus!
By Peg Driscoll
Merry Christmas
A loving holiday reminder that Jesus is everything. He’s the beginning and the end, the first and last, the Alpha and Omega. By His own words in John 14:16- I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by Me. John 15:1- I am the true Vine… John 15:4….you can bear no fruit unless you abide in Me. John 15:5…apart from Me you can do nothing. JESUS IS EVERYTHING-Be blessed!!
By James Mark Driscoll
952 Only Through Jesus
We have an answer from our heavenly Father, for victory in every situation in and through Christ Jesus. Total victory has already been bought and paid for and we have been redeemed from the curse of the Law. How we respond will determine if we’re able to enforce that victory in this cursed earth. What’s been offered by grace must be received by faith. Real faith involves hearing from God, not your idea or my idea on how to handle it. It’s about a living, communing, sharing, honoring, loving, and abiding relationship, through Christ Jesus. Jesus is everything and without Him you have no future. I am so glad I found Him and made Him my Master and Lord before it was too late!!!
By James Mark Driscoll
943 Abiding
In Psalm 91, it says those who dwell or abide in the place Most High shall remain fixed and stable under the shadow of the Almighty, (whose power no foe can withstand). Abiding with the Lord, means putting Him and His Word first. Nothing else should come close!
By James Mark Driscoll
Going Fishing?
While praying and seeking the Lord about a fishing trip in the Fall of 2018, I had a very interesting experience. I kept hearing from God, don’t go on the trip! Even though my flesh really wanted to go and we had hotel reservations, I had no peace about going on the trip. After praying some more, I got it settled in my spirit that I wasn’t to go and cancelled everything. It felt really good, and I had a great inner witness and was now at peace. It was later revealed to me that the days we would have been there it poured down rain and stormed nearly all day every day. It was also revealed that the fish cleaning station was broken and unusable and would not be operational until next spring. It was also revealed there were no fish on the dam where we usually fished. The Lord then spoke to me that my people need to learn to accept My leading and direction by faith. We must not wait to “see” evidence before believing God!! That’s “one” of the reasons Abraham is called the father of our faith, he believed God and left home, having no idea where he was going! Selah
James Mark Driscoll
Taking Responsibility-Test and Prove
Someone I know was giving their opinion about the quality of programing on T.V. and in movies. Their stance was that those movies seemed okay. The Lord had shown me that they were not and my response was that many of them had satan’s tentacles and worldly evil in them. There was a subtle and hidden agenda of witchcraft, sorcery, and homosexuality being put forth. Their response was I don’t look for those kind of things. Well dear saints that’s not Bible and that’s not what we’re told to do as Christians.
1 Thessalonians 5:21,22- says test and prove ALL things recognize what is good and to hold fast to,..Abstain from evil-shrink from it keep aloof from it, in whatever form or whatever kind it may be.
1 John 4:1-Beloved do NOT put faith in every spirit but prove and test the spirits to discover wether they proceed from God……many false prophets in the world.
Hebrews 5:13-14, For everyone who feeds on milk is obviously inexperienced and unskilled in the doctrine of righteousness…an infant….But solid food is for full grown men, whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between what is morally good and noble and what is evil and contrary either to divine or human law.
Real mature and Spirit led Christians are not to mindlessly watch and read and mediate on evil, ungodly things, that can contaminate their spirits, that’s exactly what satan wants. We have been given the greater one, the Holy Spirit, to lead us in all truths. We have a responsibility to test and prove all the spirits and all the things going on around us.
Proverbs 4:20-27 bears this out, particularly vs. 23- Keep and guard your heart with ALL vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flows the forces of life.
Luke 8-:18-be careful how you listen and hear…
Mark 4:24-be careful what you are hearing…
Luke 6:45-….out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Two of the most important things you can learn in this life is what’s God and what is satan and the world. God is who you should yield to and follow, while satan and the world are who you resist.
A real mature Christian, that wants to further the Kingdom of God and run a complete race, can’t afford to live a careless, worldly lifestyle. If you allow that garbage in, that’s what will multiply and come out, and again, you won’t be able to be used by God, to get all the things done for Him that he had planned for you to do.
Hebrews 12:1-2-….let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance that sin brings, clings to us and entangles us, let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us….Looking away from ALL that would distract from Jesus, who is the leader and source of our faith…..
Saints your faith is more precious than gold, (1 Peter 1:7) guard it carefully!!!!
By James Mark Driscoll
Complaining Destroys The Witness-It makes you dumb!
The Bible says in Romans 1:21 AMP …they did not honor Him and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. They became futile and Godless in their thinking…vain imaginations, foolish reasonings and stupid speculations…their senseless minds were darkened. When you murmur and complain and talk like the unsaved world you become dull, foolish, dumb, and darkened, according to the Bible.
Philippians 2:14- Do (all) things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining and questioning and doubting.
Philippians 2:15-that you may show yourselves blameless and guileless, innocent and uncontaminated children of God, without blemish in the midst of a crooked and wicked generation, among whom you are seen as bright lights in a dark world!
Real Christians are supposed to be a light in the world and reflect the glory of Christ by their words and actions-not cast a shadow on Christ. I can speak from personal experience, the main reason it took me so long to come to Christ was the complaining, murmuring, negative, Christians that I came into contact with. When I first came to the Lord I couldn’t find anyone that didn’t complain and murmur and sound like the world. Then one day the Lord straightened me out and spoke into my spirit. Lean and rely and trust in Me not people. Look to Me and not man. You are to love them according to My Word, but stay focused on Me and My Word. Glory to God.
1Thess.5:16- be happy in your faith-glad hearted continually..
If you are a born again Christian, you never have a reason to complain or murmur or speak empty and idle words. In fact, if you would mature and learn the power of your words, you could change the circumstances around you instead of the circumstances controlling you. If you are not going to use your words to build up, edify, bless, and glorify God, and change the things around you for the better, you should keep your mouth closed and quit destroying the witness of Jesus!
1 Thess.5:18- Thank God in everything no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks-for this is the will of God for you who are in Christ Jesus.
???? Are you in Christ Jesus??? Are you reflecting His light or casting a shadow on the Master???
By James Mark Driscoll
In the spiritual realm, which will affect the physical realm, your words determine your course and actions like the rudder on a ship. James 3:4-6. If you are speaking the word of God in love and faith, you’re now giving your high priest, Jesus, something to work with. If you are listening to Him and doing what He tells you to do, you will have victory! However, if you are speaking words of doubt, fear, unbelief, and complaining, worldly words of the enemy, you're going down. Just as Peter started out, walking on the water, when he took his eyes and focus off Jesus and yielded to fear and his senses, he sank. If you focus on the world and sound like the world you will sink too! Another way to say it, if you’re not speaking the word of God your sinking while you’re saying!! Selah
By James Mark Driscoll
Faith Failures 0r Victory:
Real faith never fails, and God is always faithful to His Word! If you’re having trouble seeing manifestations of God’s Word in your life you are probably doing something wrong. Things that stop God’s moving in your life are unbelief, fear, doubt, a wrongful mouth, not walking in love and forgiveness. Whatever the case or cause it’s not God’s fault! What many people call faith is not real faith. Many Christians have not been taught to pray from a position of power and authority in the finished work of Jesus! Many beg and plead and try to get God to move and do something He’s already done. I could spend many hours and pages trying to teach and help on how to defeat fear, and unbelief, but here’s one short awesome scripture that get’s right to the point and reveals why many Christians fail. Mary, the mother of Jesus, got it exactly right. John 2:5—whatever He says to you , do it! When you break this down into 2 parts it’s very clear how to have victory. #1-You must first seek God, and hear from God- The Holy Spirit within you! #2-once you hear from Him then you must do it! Unfortunately many dear Christians are not leading a Holy Spirit filled and led life and don’t have an intimate, close, awesome loving relationship with God. Many don’t know the difference between His voice and the world’s voice which is controlled by satan. The second part also disqualifies many people they are not doers of the word. James1:22,25.
If you want victory in your life there are no shortcuts to spending time in the Word, that includes reading aloud to yourself and meditating on the word. You should also be hearing anointed teachings, this will help you get to know His voice and nature. You also need power from on high. Acts 1:5,8- Act 2:1-4. That means asking and receiving the filling and overflowing of the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues. You can receive it just like you received your salvation by faith and by asking. When you pray in tongues daily and start praying perfect prayers your head may not understand but God does and you will grow and mature. It is supposed to be a continuous process of having your mind renewed and growing and understanding how the Kingdom of God works. “Whatever He says to you, do it. WOW!!!!-So Perfect
By James Mark Driscoll
More Real Bible Faith
Real Bible faith is not nearly as complicated as many people have made it out to be. Real Bible faith is simply hearing from God and believing what He told you, then being obedient and doing what he tells you to do, no more-no less. We are to do exactly what He says, no matter wether we understand it or not, or how it’s going to be accomplished. That’s what pleases God, a child who listens, that’s a child He can bless and protect. Having a rebellious spirit, like the Hebrews coming out of Egypt, will open the door to destruction. It’s really no more than having a conversation with your best friend every day, who loves you, wants the best for you, and died for you. Then you submit and humble yourself by asking Him what He wants to talk about and what He would have you do this day and in the future. Real submission and humility is not groveling and calling yourself a worm, not if your born again, you are now royalty because of the blood and who’s in you and what He has done, not what you have done! Real humility is putting your agenda aside and putting God first in your life in all areas, then you must believe Him and do it!! He wants to help and correct you so you can live a long strong life, healed, delivered, blessed, and victorious in every way and accomplish all the things He’s called you to do. Every human being has a Godly calling on their life established before the foundation of the world. Please remember, faith without the appropriate works, without being a doer of the word( what He’s told you to do) is dead and useless. Religion makes it vague and complicated and is constantly trying to get the responsibility off of the individual and blame things on God. If Jesus is truly your Lord, then you will have and develop a heart to honor and please Him and do what He asks. Unfortunately many people only want Him as Savior and not the Lord of their lives!!!
By James Mark Driscoll
Your Vote is your Seed
One of the truths and foundations of the Bible and the Kingdom of God, that we need to understand, is that everything works by the law of seed time and harvest, sowing and reaping. Everything produces after it’s own kind. It’s talked about in the Old Testament and Jesus talked about it in the New Covenant. In fact Jesus was the seed, sown into the earth by God, to die and pay for our sins. All seeds need to die before they produce any fruit or harvest. John 12:24 Jesus is the Word of God made flesh!! John 1:14 Here are just a few examples from the Bible.
Gen.1:11,12 - God said, let the earth…yielding fruit whose seed is in itself each according to it’s own kind….
Gen.8:22- While the earth remains seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.
Isaiah 55:10-11- …as the rain and snow come down from the heavens…earth..make it sprout..may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater. So shall My word that goes forth from My mouth it shall not return to Me void…it shall accomplish what I please and purpose, it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Matt. 13:18-42- parable of sower…Kingdom of God…evil one snatches away..rocky soil,..among the thorns..good soil.. Kingdom of God is like mustard seed.., enemy sowed weeds into a good field…, Son of Man will return and cast them into furnace of fire…..
Mark 4:13-15-25..do you not understand… the sower sows the word..Satan comes at once to steal it…different types of soil…
Mark 4:26- the Kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed upon the ground…….27-32.
Luke 8:11- meaning of parable is the seed is the Word of God…..12-19.
2 Cor. 9:6-..he who sows sparingly and grudgingly will reap sparingly and grudgingly..
Gal 6:7-do not be deceived, deluded, and misled…whatever a man sows that only is what will reap… Thank God we can truly repent and receive mercy!!!
As we have proven by scriptures before, your words are seeds and have been framing your life wether you understand it or not. All of heaven and hell are waiting to see where your words and seeds line up, either in God’s Kingdom or satan’s kingdom. Your vote, while not audible,( it use to be), is your seed. Your vote is what your giving your voice and support to and God will hold you accountable for your vote-seed. Not voting is not acceptable
There are many issues to consider but there are 3 big issues that the Bible is very strong against and as Christians we are obligated to honor.
unrighteous will not have a share in the kingdom of God impure, immoral idolators, nor those who participate in homosexuality……..Gal 5:19-21-practices of the flesh clear; immorality, impurity, indecency, idolatry, sorcery…..Jude 7-wicked are sentenced to suffer like those of Sodom and Gomorrah natural vice and perversity…Revelation 17:5-…..filth and atrocities and abomination of the earth…Rev. 21:8-cowards, contemptible,…..depraved and defiled with abominations…..
3. Turning our back on Israel. If you are voting for the group that wants to hand Israel’s land to others you are asking to be cursed. if you are voting for the group that wants to separate us from Israel you are asking to be cursed. Gen.12:3- I will bless those who bless you and curse him who curses you. We as Christians, should be unwavering in our support of Israel spiritually and financially.
Unfortunately many people, including many Christians are ignorant about how these Godly principles, when they are not followed, hurt themselves, their families, and our country.
Unfortunately many people vote on the candidate or group that promises to put the most money in their pocket with no concern at all wether God’s word is being upheld in these other areas! The Bible clearly teaches to lean and rely on God alone not man! Proverbs 3:5-6, Isiah 26:4, Jeremiah 17:5- cursed is he who trusts and relies on man and his weak and frail arm…
Another point to think about is many of the people that have voted this way use the excuse, “well” that group supports programs for the poor. Yes, it’s right to help the poor but the government was never supposed to take care of the poor the church was, and yes it has failed because people have turned to relying on men and govt. handouts and created a mindset of entitlement. The religious traditions of men and the bowing down to political correctness has made the Word of no effect. Matt. 15:6, Mark 7:13. Many have developed a governmental socialist mentality.
Here is the good news if you have voted this way in the past and supported these abominations you can repent, which means to change, and ask God for His forgiveness, because by the blood of Jesus we can be forgiven. Your job or responsibility as a true Christian is to pray and seek God, then be obedient to His Word and direction and vote, and then seek God again and pray for all those that have any kind of power over others at all levels of government. Selah!
By James Mark Driscoll
Christians say No to Halloween:
If you are truly born again and have truly made Jesus the Lord of your life, then the Bible and the word of God should be where you get your “born again” beliefs and where your mind is supposed to be renewed continually. It is not ok, to continue to walk and talk and act like the unsaved world. You should not be led by your experiences or lack of experiences, your flesh and carnal way of thinking or the world. It is the Bible and the word of God that reveals the will of God. Under the New Covenant we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the Law, in regards to our new righteousness in Christ Jesus, and that leading will always line up with the word of God. Halloween which is fear based and started in Europe, dealt with evil and dark spirits and things of the dead. Some groups sacrificed animals and even children. Promoting fear, darkness, and death, is not of God, it’s demonic and any fear based teachings and experiences are of the devil and by you choosing them you open the door to him. John 10:10-Satan only comes to steal, kill, and destroy! In IITim.1:7 Gods word says I have not given you the spirit of fear… In fact there are over 350 scriptures in the Bible where God says fear not, be not afraid, have no fear. Fear is the opposite of faith and faith is what pleases God, fear is what empowers satan—the just and righteous shall live by faith. Hab.2:4, Rom.1:17, Gal.3:11, Heb.10:38, Heb.11:6. God also considers it an abomination to deal with sorcerers, magicians, witchcraft, enchantments, etc. Here are some scriptures that should take away any doubt about how God feels about these types of evil.
Exodus 7:11,22 Exodus 8:7, 18, 19 Exodus 9:11, Exodus 22:18—these all had to do with Pharaoh’s sorcerers, magicians, enchantments,…
Leviticus 19:26- not allow a woman to live who practices sorcery
Leviticus 19:31- not use magic omens, witchcraft, or horoscopes, signs, or lucky days
Leviticus 20:6- person who turns to familiar spirits and wizards-I will set my face against them. Leviticus 20:27-man or woman who is a medium and has a familiar spirit or is a wizard-put to death.
Deuteronomy 18:9,10,11,12,14-abominable practices, makes his son or daughter to pass through fire, uses divination, a soothsayer, auger, or a sorcerer, charmer, or a magician, or a wizard, necromancer-magic- dead. It is because of these evil practices the Lord drives out these people before you. For these nations you dispossess listen to soothsayers and diviners.
II Kings 17:17-caused their sons and daughters to pass through fire used divinations-enchantments…provoking Him to anger.
IIKings 21:6-Hezekiah did evil-sons passed through fire offering to Molech, practiced soothsaying, mediums, wizards, much wickedness
***IIKings 23:24-Josiah put **Away** the wizards, idols, abominations, turned to the Lord with all his heart. Question??? if your dabbling with halloween and what it represents, no matter how you try to justify it, can you honestly say you have turned to God with all your heart? Selah
IChronicles10:13-Saul died for his trespass against the Lord…consulting with a spirit of the dead.
IIChronicles 33:6-Manasseh-did abominations-burned his children practiced soothsaying, mediums and wizards, did evil…
Isaiah 8:19, 21-consults mediums and wizards
Isaiah 47:9-loss of children and widowhood despite of your evil spirits and enchantments..
Isaiah 47:11-12-13-be cursed because of enchantments and sorceries, astrologers, and stargazers…
Isiah 57:2-5-sorceries, witchcraft burning children..
Jeremiah27:9-soothsayers, sorcerers ..
Ezekiel 13:18-20- against your pillows and charms..
Micah 5:12-and I will cut off witchcraft and sorceries….
Revelation 9:21-They did not repent of their murders or their practice of magic sorceries or their sexual vice or their thefts.
Revelation 21:8-But as for the cowards and the ignoble and the contemptible and the cravenly lacking in courage and the cowardly submissive, and as for the unbelieving and faithless, and as the depraved and defiled with abominations, and as for the murders and the lewd and adulterous and the practicers of magic arts and the idolaters, and liars all of these shall have their part in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone. This is the second death!
Revelations 22:12-15-I am coming soon… but without are the dogs and those who practice sorceries-magic arts and impurity, murderers and idolaters, and everyone who deals in falsehood.
In closing some truths to think about-John 4:24 God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.
Isaiah 5:20- Woe to you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…..
Hosea 4:6- My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and rejecting knowledge…
There are other scriptures that talk about witchcraft and sorcerers but this should give any Christian a truthful foundation.
Jesus died to free us from the bondage of darkness and evil and for people to partake in any way of these things dishonors Him, Father and it grieves The Holy Spirit. If you read this you have been offered Godly knowledge, now it is up to you to receive it or reject it.
Deuteronomy 29:15, 19……I have set before you life and death blessings and curses —choose life!!
Think about the statement trick or treat, either give me something for my self-flesh or I may vandalize your home or property. Sounds like we’re teaching kids a form of blackmail??
There is nothing acceptable to God about halloween and anything about it!!!!!
Cleansing and Blessing
Consider taking the time to bless and cleanse all the things that come into your home and on your property. Speak over them, plead the blood of Jesus over them, and take authority over anything of the kingdom of darkness. Bless your food, clothes, furniture, towels, cooking items, water supply, air quality,….etc. This also includes gifts from well meaning people, they can be some of the least expected to do damage, yet can be very harmful. Think about it, satan works in direct contrast to God. If God blesses, satan curses, you don’t know what spiritual condition many of these things are made and produced. If a blessing and anointing of healing and deliverance can be on a cloth (like Paul, Jesus, and men and woman of God and they are) satan will try to bring the curse onto certain things as well. In fact before you buy anything you should be checking with the Holy Spirit within and get an ok about what your choosing. He knows if the food is contaminated or if something is not made right or if it is faulty and broken or has been treated with harmful chemicals, the list goes on! You have the greater one inside of you, if your born again, He was sent here to be your comforter, helper, guide,…use Him! He knows the beginning from the end!
By James Mark Driscoll
Be Vigilant
1Peter 5:8…be well balanced, be vigilant and cautious at all times, for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring and seeking someone to seize upon and devour. This clearly shows he must seek and find certain people who by their words and actions allow and invite him into their lives. This also clearly shows there are those he may not destroy, they are those that dwell in the secret place of the most High God! Psalms 91.
The Lord said (inner voice) I AM Love and Light, your enemy is hatred and darkness. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. John 10:10. The Lord said tell my people the enemy will attack anything of love and anything that honors Me, God. Husbands and wives and family’s are a prime target. You must always be vigilant in your marriage, the enemy wants it destroyed. Any type of loving situation, husbands and wives, parents and children, grandparents and so on, will all come under attack by a spirit of division. Some call it the spirit of Leviathan, and the only way to defeat him is to be on your guard continually and to walk in love. This spirit will at times have you see and hear things that weren't even real or said and try to drive a wedge between loving relationships. Again, walking in love and being Spirit filled and directed are the ways to defeat his sneaky, deceitful, and destructive devices. Please remember that walking in love is the directive ,not a suggestion, of the new testament, given by our Master, Lord Jesus. It is not an option!!! It is meant to keep you well and out of the grasp of the evil one!!!
By James Mark Driscoll
Desiring God
Lord, I desire an intimate loving relationship with you my God- filled with fire!
I desire to be filled with Your awesome loving presence! I want to be in Your presence all the time! I want to walk with you and be led by Your Holy Spirit all the time! I want to love You unconditionally as You love me unconditionally. I want You to be first place in my life! I want to fulfill all You’ve called me to do! I want to honor Lord Jesus’ awesome sacrifice and everyday be changed into HIs image by the power of the Holy Spirit in me! I want to take the anointing and blessing on my life and bless others! If Jesus bought and paid for me to have it (wholeness and all parts of the blessing), I want to put myself in a position to believe and receive it. I want to please God so I take it by faith, speak what God says and believe it long before I see it! I want to proclaim to the world that God is good and he is not the author or giver of sickness, disease, poverty and accidents. We have an awesome loving God who died for us and took our place when we didn’t deserve it! God is good, God is love! He has already healed us, delivered us, redeemed and ransomed us from every part of the curse! He’s my rock and fortress, He’s my protector, provider, healer, deliverer, my champion, my hero, and in Him alone I trust and lean and rely on! When Jesus hung on that cross and said it is finished, He took care of every need for every human being on this earth and it’s up to us to receive it. He loves me and my faith is in His love and faithfulness, not mine. Lord, You know I have plenty to work on, but we have come a long way together. I pray to love You with every fiber of my being as You continue to direct me and correct me! In Jesus Name Amen
By James Mark Driscoll
Battle for your words:
The Kingdom of God and light and the kingdom of satan and darkness are in a constant battle. Jesus has already defeated satan and the kingdom of darkness, but we are in a battle to enforce His victory, bring the lost to salvation, advance God’s Kingdom and show them how to live a victorious life in Christ. We have many weapons at our disposal, but many don’t know how to use the weapons the Lord has provided or which ones to use. They don’t know how to hear from God and use the weapons needed for that particular situation. The weapons are spiritual and spoken, they are not carnal and fleshy or of this world. Just parroting a scripture without hearing from God doesn’t work, neither does begging and pleading. You must learn to hear from God and get a right now word and it needs to be spoken in authority and faith! God has given ministry gifts to help people hear and receive the Gospel and the Word of God. So it’s no wonder satan tries to stop the anointed Word from being preached and taught. Satan’s greatest fear and threat is an anointed, spirit filled, tongue talking, faith filled Christian, who tithes in joy, walks in love and has control of their mouth and only speaks the Word of God!! The real battle is over your words, which will also determine your actions. Satan wants you to speak like the world, speaking slang, trying to be cute and get attention. There is no Godly faith in the words of the world, that is satan’s kingdom and gives him a legal right to bring destruction into your life. Speaking like the world will block the blessing and cancel out your prayers to God! Satan is the god of this world system and if you are a friend of the world you are an enemy of God. John 12:31, I John 5:19, John14:30, John 16:11, James4:4. On the other hand God and heaven are waiting for you to speak His words in faith and give Him a legal right to bless you! The blessing has been made available to every believer but you must receive it by faith through your words. Ephesians 2:8. Psalms 103:20…His angels hearken to the voice of His Word. Note, your faith and your strength and power to defeat the attacks of the enemy, will never be any stronger than the power and maturity of the words coming out of your mouth. James 3:2..he who does not offend in his speech is a fully developed, mature person. Truly being a mature and empowered Christian is one who controls or bridles their tongue. People who speak words so matter of factly, “well this is the way it is”, “they all do that”, are showing their immaturity. They often judge others, they’re assertive, they are so sincerely sure about others and those situations and their usually sincerely wrong. You are to judge other peoples words to see if they line up with the Bible or the world, but we are never to judge others, it’s not our job, we’re not qualified. The Bible says in I Cor.13:9, our knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete. Would it possibly be more intelligent, Godly, and mature “when giving an opinion” to preface it with some humility? “This is where I’m at, at this time on that subject” or “I could be wrong” are some interesting thoughts. Actually a more correct response in most all situations when asked a question is, I’m not sure, let me pray and hear from God about it. You are in no way obligated to answer anything and probably shouldn’t until you check with The Holy Spirit, your guide inside!! Death and life are in the power of the tongue, it’s time to grow up in the Word and get the same results as Jesus!!!!!!!
Proverbs 17:28-even a fool, when he holds his peace is considered wise
Proverbs 10:19-20-in a multitude of words their is always transgression. The running of the mouth is no accident, it’s devilish.
Rev 1:16 and Rev 19:15 —2 edged sword…
Heb. 4:12-Word of God quick and powerful, sharper….
Eph. 6:11-18- whole armor…
There are literally hundreds of scriptures in the Bible showing the huge importance of your words and how both “Kingdoms” operate by them. Selah!!!
By James Mark Driscoll
Many people are struggling and beaten up by the devil. They don’t know who they are in Christ and who is in them, if they’re born again. Satan will always lie. He may speak some half truths and even twist scriptures as he did with Jesus.
The enemy particularly likes to attack and speak against the very gifts and talents God has given you. He will do everything he can to undermine and discourage you. He wants to keep you from fulfilling God’s calling on your life! He will speak against the very things that your best at and anointed to do! But when you run your race of life, focused on God and putting His word first place in your life, you’ll be blessed to be a blessing to others and you’ll connect with His peace and His supernatural victory in every part of your life!
By James Mark Driscoll
Praying more in tongues
Praying in tongues: Many people who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit - praying in tongues, often get lazy because they don’t always see immediate results.
You must realize this awesome gift is getting many things done, some things that you will never see. Perfect prayer going forth to deliver you from the “snares of the fowler” is just one example. Here’s an example that might encourage you to exercise this perfect prayer and gift. Equate your praying in tongues to receiving gold from Father. His wisdom and gifts are far more valuable than gold and silver. When you pray in tongues in faith, things are moving in the heavenly and spiritual realm and you are putting yourself in a position to receive the finished works of Jesus, The Blessing!!
By James Mark Driscoll
Father help us see the vision You have called us to fulfill. Help us be stirred up to be obedient in faith and be doers of the Word!
Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
I John 4:18- There is no fear in love, but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love. 2 Timothy 1:7- For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. Perfect and mature love casts out all fear. What does that mean? When you are filled up with the love of God and when you understand the full measure of redemption and all that Jesus accomplished at the whipping post and cross, there will be no room for fear, doubt and unbelief. That means no sickness, disease, oppression, depression, pity parties, envy, jealousy, strife, or any other works of the enemy and the curse can stay! There is no darkness, no sickness, no poverty, or any of the curse in God. He is perfect love and light, He casts no shadow and tempts no man. James 1:13-17 Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by evil and He Himself tempts no one. But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire. Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death. Do not be misled, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all light, in Whom there can be no variation or shadow cast by His turning.
By James Mark Driscoll
Liars and Betrayers
Satan stood in the very presence of God- yet turned against Him and was cast out. Satan also had to became familiar with the scriptures and the Bible, to know the scriptures to use against Jesus. There are many evil ones, some masquerading as angels of light. Many “Christians”, have allowed the evil one inside them and to influence their lives. They have yielded to the very same spirit of Judas, the betrayer. Many of them also read their Bibles, pray in tongues, and use scriptures against believers to lie, betray, steal, kill, and destroy- just like satan. Many will even accuse you of being “unGodly” as a shield of deception to hide from the sin they are committing to further their evil agenda.
By James Mark Driscoll
Perfect Sacrifice-- JMD Ministry
God Himself sent down the Lamb, To be the perfect sacrifice for man. God poured out His wrath and judgment on Him, And offered us cleansing for our sin. He is the way, the truth and life, And without Him you'll never be right. Now by His stripes we have been healed, At the whipping post love and healing were revealed. He's our champion, Lord and awesome Savior, And by His blood we've found great favor. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, That Jesus is Lord- then it's time to shout! Thank you Jesus! Son and One --JMD Ministery-- 9-5-13 I am His beloved and I'm His Son, I am like Jesus, He and I are One. I receive new mercy and life everyday, He's the resurrected Christ, He's the only way. If you want to be redeemed and you want to be saved, Give your life to Christ, He's defeated death, hell, and the grave. Because if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, That Jesus is Lord and give it a shout, The Father will honor the finished work of His Son, And with the filling of the Spirit, we are all made one.